Lockdown: Execute In The Midst Of Adversity

Nothing changes, things are still the same. If you’re truly a winner this is time to execute, don’t feel like the lockdown has shattered your plans, rise and execute, execute in the midst of adversity that’s what real beasts do.

Don’t waste energy feeling pity for the circumstances, you have been through pain, don’t feel soft, such situation is very demanding, it requires a lot from you to keep your energy going and execute your plans.

This period is really tempting, it could be a life changing moments. Don’t wallow in the stream of idleness, don’t let anything that doesn’t worth it drain your energy, don’t look out waiting for when this weird circumstances will end, get tougher when the situation demand you to.

Everyone is crying, hoping to see this period come to pass. But Lions don’t cry, they execute, they hunt, they plan, that’s what they do for a living, nothing changes if you’re a true lion, go into the field and come out victorious, when every other persons are complaining, because you’re a lion.

Many people are thinking about what could be there fate if they go on with their plans. The problem is that, you think too much about failure, you’re afraid to fail, when you have not giving it a try. It is better to accept failure while trying, than to fail never try. Put yourself together and continue with your plans.

There is nothing wrong with your style, there is nothing absolutely wrong with your strategies. The problem here, is the you’re too inconsistent, you do it today and won’t do it tomorrow, you doesn’t take your dream serious. Then when you see people, who have sacrificed everything to be where they are today, you think it is magic, there is no magic, it is consistency.

Build yourself to be indestructible, so that you will be immune to this kind of situation. You prepare ten years ahead, you don’t just make plans today and wake up to execute it, make plans in decades, so that you will start now to work towards it and give it all the energy needed.

Don’t let anything push you backwards, especially now you have put extra work to have reach where you are today, not even lockdown can make you come out soft or drain your energy, keep that light shining, don’t let it die out because of lockdown. This is time to get tougher with your dreams.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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