The Protests That Exposed The Ills Of Nigeria Government

The igniting protests inspired by campaign against SARS brutality in Nigeria have left the country bleeding in all systems, Nigeria government have failed to deliver in the time of difficulty, lacking clue on how to go about the problems of the country.

Not like there haven’t been a worst administration in Nigeria, when it is time to expose the ills of bad Nigeria government long accumulated vices become unbearable as citizens voice out their frustration, by taking the protests to the major cities despite coronavirus pandemic restrictions.

The country have failed to move forward with huge corruption scandal dominating the political settings of Nigeria government, with no effort to get the country back on their perch, once a country that inspired and take central role in Africa, has fallen fifty times backwards.

Nigeria at the early stages focused on agriculture as the major stronghold of her economy, until the discovery of oil, they have been expanding the agricultural sector. On discovery oil with its high demands, agricultural sector was abandoned and left in a moribund state.

There was a civil war which threatening the unity of the country, which Eastern part of the country willing to carve out from the country, the failed attempt caused a big stain in the pledge for unity and progress, which gives room for tribalism and nepotism.

Oil on demands, showed how inhumane and irresponsible Nigerian leaders are, country’s wealth were shared on a platter of silver, only poor masses were left out in the distribution of country wealth, with youths swimming in the ocean of unemployment and crime related activities.

Every four years they come to tell lies and make away with it, promising millions of jobs, nothing to show for it, while the citizens continue to live in poverty without any plans to get them out.

Flown their children abroad and leaving populace with dilapidated varsities, going on strikes and denying them proper academic sessions, it has been lives amongst wolves, without pity of any form.

End SARS campaign triggered the unlawful killing of innocent citizens and invading their privacies, violating their rights and get away with that, because they are not related to the ruling class, in Nigeria there is no law and justice of any kind, the ruling class say and detect what happens.

This is long term quagmire, which have exposed every aspect of Nigeria’s politics, with highly unqualified and corruptible personnels taking over the administration of the country, it is a change Nigeria government must embrace to push the country, unless that the worst might befall Nigeria, with unending protests which will lead to internal war.

It has been a long awaited change for Nigeria, the president, Muhammad Buhari once called the youths “lazy youths”, they are showing what they are made up, the years of marginalization is over, they keep saying the youths are leaders of tomorrow, yet recycling the same corrupt politicians.

Over the years Nigeria have been more diverse than ever, nurturing ethnic fights and hate speeches, Nigeria government have failed in bringing together the most diverse country in Africa, what could be the outcome of the change secession or remaining? Time decides.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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