The process is crooking, it is hard to get this dream done, but it is not impossible, it is what separate you from any other person. Just believe when you are fighting this true cause of becoming difference. It does not go alone, it comes along with some elements that is going to aid the process, you implore those elements to complement the struggle, which is the principal cause of changing your status.

The process is long, you need to soak up into to the struggle, it does not come too easy, it is everyday process, that metamorphoses into one day championship. It requires a lot of your sanity to keep the boat sailing.  Don’t get dissatisfied with the process, because it is going to be there to put you off balance. You have not come this far, just to give up, just believe in the outcome and keep fighting for the cause.

Energy important to keep your drive

At this point it is dangerous to look back, you need hundred percent focus to keep pressing at high speed. Bring everything that makes up who you are and put them in line to come out victorious. You reached a point where ‘no’ is no longer acceptable, you need to keep working and believing in the process, your hard work is there to make way for you, it is the key that will unlock your potential and put you in the best state of your being, when you ‘just believe’.

Don’t give your second best, don’t withhold anything, give every ounce of your energy and drive at the speed of inspiration. Your dream is jealous, it doesn’t want to share anything with it, all it demands is the whole energy and attention, until that the process will continue to be shaky. You need to assume responsibility and start fighting for the things that matter the most, that is where the true desire is, and made away with things that shouldn’t be there. Just believe and you screw the process up.