You have to claim your spot is not something they just give away; you fight and earn it. Don’t say because so many people are into it, you are not going to make a difference, it is always there, all you need to do is to embrace the process and claim your spot. It is not something you just do over time and give up, go through the process and soak up with the process, it makes a lot of difference when you believe in the process, it paves way for you.

To come this far, self-discovery is highly essential to break the chain. When you discover your purpose, you don’t need to be all over the place, you don’t have to be running from one spot to another. Your focus is there, your target is fixed, all you need to do is to go after it and claim your spot. Nothing is guaranteed until you make it worth talking about, anything good you can get if you channel your energy and strength in getting it done.

Hunt for survival

Challenges are always going to be there for you to take up, you can’t even shy away from such responsibility, if you are determined to claim your spot, challenges and obstacles are inevitable, it is prerequisite for claiming your spot, you have to pass through it and make your goals realistic. When it really comes to something that matters the most, such moment become demanding and you are oblige to live up to your fullest potential.

Without hard work, discipline and consistency you will struggle throughout the process, especially in the area of discovering yourself. These elements are just like ingredients of the process, to claim your spot, you need strict adherence to these elements, they are always going to be there to complement the process and make things happen. When it comes to living your dream and claiming your spot, this is the kind of moment you live and you put all the energy, to announce yourself in the global stage and claim your spot.