Plagued by unending economic woes a big reflection for independence day, Nigeria’s future hangs on precipice as search to salvage the situation makes little or no change. High cost of living makes it almost impossible for people to put food on their table. Strikes have been used to show disapproval of economic and political situations in Nigeria, yet there is no clear effect of the strike, as the situation did not change afterwards, that’s doesn’t mean Nigerian should relent. There is another prospective strike scheduled to take place on independence day. Nigerians are desperate to see change as economic situation bites harder, inflation is the order of the day, increments in all nook and cranny of the country, Nigeria is now the survival fittest, brute force and breakdown of law and order rule all day.

It has been years in the making, every independence day comes with its peculiar problems, Nigerians will be thinking, how did they get to this point. Each administration has played the blame gain, hardly had they accepted responsibility and move on to take the bull by the horn. Nigerians are passing through difficult situations, all the alleged economic reforms and changes are yet to live up to its existence in the lives of common Nigerians. The most affected are the common Nigerians, they are the people that experience direct impact of political and economic situations in Nigeria. There is no seemed headway to get out of this situation, Nigeria’s future hugely on precipice as rescue yet to show any significant results, Nigerian will be approaching independence day with utmost sadness.

Rescue mission for Nigerians as the look into the future

Youth are the poster boys of every country, contrary to the stance in Nigeria, as they have repeatedly showed dissatisfaction on how the country is run, the mode in which Nigeria is run pose direct attacks to future of youth in Nigeria. There are different laws for rich and poor in Nigeria, massive oppression against the ordinary Nigerians,  they don’t feel belonged, lack of equal playing ground creates ‘japa’ in Nigeria. Youth are taking that route, embracing that journey in a foreign land, is better for them to languish in Nigeria. Lack of enabling environment for businesses to thrive and closure of businesses due to high cost of running it.

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Nigerians need all round overhaul, it is the same people that cried for hardship is the same that will sell their votes for pittance and come back to clamour for the next four years, how bad and cruel the government has turned to be. It is about time they start passing moral judgement on their conducts. Creating pathway for younger generation is how future of every country is preserved, and Nigeria has not really succeeded in that aspect, rather have created chaotic economic situation making it difficult for livelihood. Nigerians leaders think and live in the moment, they cannot think beyond the years they have in office that’s where their service to the country end, destructive approach to governance.

A country with so much pride, rich in culture and traditions, admired indigenous way of life, but has allowed tribal difference cut them open, as opposed to unity in diversity, and respect for one another. Tribal affiliations have been used to play the dangerous politics in Nigeria, fellow Nigerians are making all forms of threat to show ethnic superiority. While the political class are united to take part in country’s wealth, common Nigerians are killing one another under the thin disguise of tribal affiliations. Nigerians are known workers, building society devoid of such malignant intent, should be reflection for Nigerian youth, as they intensify rescue for their future.

One Africa Policy a guide for economic growth

Nigerians have been overburdened and overstretched, the tragedy they have to put up every single day, is destructive enough to threaten future of any country. Banditry, kidnapping, economic woes, inflation, breakdown of law, social class segregation, flooding, and terrorism, just to mention a few, these are more than enough to contain. Nigeria should strengthen ties with other African countries, that’s how you create sustainability around your border, reaching out for diplomatic ties that will bring progressive economic growth, and create network of connections for younger generation to leverage on to develop the continent, your country is secured where there is intentional efforts to secure your neighbours’.


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