As parents start to notice unusual behaviour of a kid, the fear of what is going on with them overtakes the right language to communicate with them and get the addiction off the hook. Children need undivided attention especially from the parents, it is reality that cannot be disputed, no matter how close they are to their nannies, they crave the warmth and closeness from the parents, when they are not guided going forward, they become vulnerable to all sorts of vices that will take a deep toll on their personality, which is a grave scar that will be hard to get rid of. When parents start noticing the change, they need to act to avoid further escalation, however, such addiction might come from lack of attention from the parents to the children.
Addiction is the general term, but the bigger question becomes what type of addiction your kid is battling. Parents who devote so much time building their careers, focus more on leadership at workplace than striking balance that will put their children in the picture, they prefer to get a nanny and allow them to sort everything out with the kids without particularly knowing what these kids are capable of doing, the parents and kids in this instance become a total stranger to each other, the only connection is that they share the same house. Children need guidance, that’s how you monitor their approach to life and see how they overcome challenges in life. Kids without parental care and attention are more likely to suffer loneliness, which will make them vulnerable and can be easily swayed, with their tablets they can become victims of social media vices.
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A teenage child who finds solace in hard drugs will prove very difficult to talk them out of that addiction, if proper approach is not adopted to them out of that cage. At first, when they mix up with peers who find nothing wrong in abusing drugs to get away from their realities, they will be hiding and afraid to take these hard drugs, but when they become comfortable in taking the hard substance that’s the pinnacle of the addiction. These teenagers might have confidence issue especially for the boys in approaching the ladies, when they get rejected overtime, it will hit rock bottom for them and may likely result to porn and masturbation to get away to deal with their realities, at a point it becomes an addiction.
The addiction list is long, but you can see it emanates from somewhere, no kid is born with addiction, it is something that comes from circumstances, especially when it is not properly guided and controlled by the parents. It is easy to destroy, but the most difficult job is in repairing, that time you don’t have, to get things straight, will come from nowhere and that’s when you face the reality. If you can keep your career flowing effortlessly, while your kids are languishing with serious addiction, it is efforts in futility, because at some point you have to deal with the reality that your house is ablaze, and you have got to quench the fire.
To talk to your kids in this situation you need to bring your self down to their level and not being condemning, but providing an escape route for them to come out from addiction. You have to acknowledge the fact you have not taking extra step to stay involved with what is going on in their lives. When you notice such addiction, don’t be confrontational with them, you can start making efforts to break that link through which they meet up with the peers, because they are not acting alone, they act in community of likeminds. They will began to question your sudden change, you need to stay consistent to clear the doubt, when you enter properly, from there you can be active in decision making and get rid of the addiction.