How To Slow Down The Passing Time

Some people seem to check what happens in their lives, giving a good account on how they spend their lives every single day against aging, to the slow down the passing time.

People record all their activities, so they can learn how to live more effectively by sticking to their daily records in life, but what do you gain from forensically tracking every parts on how you spend your day, it will help have a great view of the future.

Life metamorphosis, at stages in life people view lives differently, it really something to bother about, how do you think about life after 40. This is time to explore how you spent your time, analysing the usefulness of it, and accountable how it was spent.

We need to thoroughly examine ourselves, it is extremely important to see what works in our lives and the ones that doesn’t work, life needs a good mental approach to it, if you’re not giving it the attention requires, your life might fallen apart, Socrates said ‘Unexamined life is not worth living.

There is always a two big moments in your life, the past and the future, a good account of it will slow down the passing time, understand the past and improve the future, the two big moments will have something similar to share.

Aging is natural it is associated with our system, the time when we are not fit enough to work, the way we have worked in past years, living adventurous life can help to slow down the passing time.

To give account of your life daily activities in life requires total commitment and discipline, improving your skill to go against the aging time with slowing down the passing time, recording your daily activities can help improve your life, when you examine where you have faltered and make amends.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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