Our lives, revolves around this, it is part of the life we feel weaker or stronger, its control our emotions without our permission in a relationship, strictly in it own ways.

Self-respect in relationship is highly needed, to keep healthy relationship, failure to observe often cause a bad one in relationship, or when one fails to do things needed to attract self-respect.

It is actually the feeling of one’s worth. You have to fulfill every promise made, don’t make promises out of excitement, cause it is going to come back and hunt you, promise what you can do, and know what you can do especially for men, who think it is okay to make unfulfilled promises.

Ladies keep remembering it, cause it never went off their mind, when they keep remembering of those promises and yet you find another topic to cover up for that, it is also failed test, cause you have started losing your worth gradually.

Know when to make a move, enter into discussion with a quality view, don’t come out arguing blindly, or shouting unnecessary over an issue that doesn’t worth such atmosphere.

Learn to keep distance, call when you doesn’t hear her voice, keep her company, especially when you are away, spend quality time whenever you get to see each other, distance urge for affectionately resonates the intimate feelings, you become hungry to see each other.

Respect is gained never forced, no matter how you coerce respect, it will be rightly due to that person that worth it. Be a good advicer, regarding to so many challenges facing her life, words of encouragement invigorate the morale to keep pushing at tough moments, respect her family, don’t get too intimate with her family, cause at that stage you need to keep distance, cause here familiarity breeds contempt.

Buy gifts, love her unconditionally, send romantic texts, surprise her with the things she likes, take her out once in a while, spend quality, talk about future, never you neglect your pirsuit in life, avoid giving her money, many think by giving money it shows a caring person, it is wrong impression understand by those who get only interested with the money, when you buy gift, what is the essence of giving money then, know your worth.

Be a hardworking person, she might like to show you off to her friends, give a smiley face, avoid closeness with her friends, take her home when it is needed. With all these you can change your status quo in your relationship and make a fresh start, to more solid relationship, with that she will know your worth and always get afraid to lose you.