Failure is something people don’t plan but come their way, when they fail to plan. To escape the shackles of unproductivity you need to make a list of goals you have set out to achieve every day. Prepare yourself mentality and get ready to approach it full energy. Unproductivity comes when you fail to prepare yourself for the future, when things that really count are put behind just to embrace the pleasure of things that really withers away with time.
You have to start somewhere; you need to pick the pieces of your broken self and continue to press toward. You need to approach it in a gradual process, with steps towards the end product. It is going to be hard, but you need something to work on, where you can start and bring full energy into work, by adopting the right mentality to work. You can’t neglect the early days; it is very fundamental and lead you to your destination.
Trust the process, at the end you need to reward yourself. Don’t get discourage with the process, there are always going to be tribulations, but your mentality in the days of trails shows and says a lot about your character, your ability to stand tall in difficult times, curb any chance of unproductivity. You need to change your working system; you need to put your work on repeat stretch out the areas where you are not getting it right. Be open to take new opportunity, it is always going to be there, embrace every moment when it comes to the battleground of unproductivity, you need to cure all the elements of unproductivity in your and set new pace for your career.
It requires a lot and you need to stay ready, you need to show braveness towards your fighting to get yourself back in the track. Open for effective communication, especially when it is important in building yourself to bring all the energy into life again.