How The Death Of George Floyd Changed Sports

The death of George Floyd sparked an outrage last year, when he was killed by Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin, who knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes video that changed the world.

His death nurtured series of protests in a time, the world needed to advance in the fight against discrimination and racism. United States witnessed degradation of humanity, humanity was mocked and riddled in the course of George Floyd death. People advocated for this fight, and resurrect the rationale behind the protests; Black Lives Matter, which find its way into sports.

The world of sports stood against racism and discrimination, by taking a kneel before any game, which turned out to be traditional prologue before any game in European leagues and other leagues. This also exposed racial discrimination that black players are subjected in the course of their sporting careers by ‘wild animals’ who feel so entitled to something they are not entitled to.

Taking a kneel and black players should boycott social media

The fight has continued to go on, despite the difference it has made it feels like there are still loads of work to do, social media has facilitated racial remarks and unable to hold anyone accountable for it. It is something that has no place in the society and should be openly condemn, proper actions should abolish it.

There is no doubt the difference, death of George Floyd has made, it encourages many people to come out bolder and fight for this course, when it feels like, it is okay, something needs to be done, a step ought to be taken to change the society. It is a continuous process, but his death makes the difference, it was a crime committed not just against Floyd and his family, but against the world and humanity. And sports advocated for change and voices are condemning dreadful discrimination and racism which has no place in the society, will perish if proper actions are taken against the miscreants, as witnessed in Chauvin’s trial.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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