When one is hurt, one always has the way of letting it out, but when society is desecrated, citizenry embark on a protest, which is the most democratic way of showing dissatisfaction and fight for justice, to return to peaceful and civilized entity.

Lately the world has been going to through a rough patch, it seems like there is no law again, public office holders feel very entitled to do anything they want and get away with that, duck kept quiet when hawk took her child, didn’t mean she is powerless. At this point everyone needs to re-strategize and seek for the most civilized way of doing things, you can’t keep quiet for a long, protest is the means of showing how terrible things are.

Literally everyone has seen how protest can be impactful and contribute to the decision making of any country, if citizenry keep quiet their intentions might be quiet as well, it is sole obligation to act in a civilized manner when the society is driving the wrong way.

When George Floyd died, after nearly nine minutes a police officer knelt on his neck, it didn’t go well with people who believed in justice, people who think human beings are not animals, his death gave rise to a massive protest not only in US, it was able to spread to another countries, it showed people are not happy with the way things are, the need for change.

This is not time you fold your arms and wait for miracle to happen, unless you act change will never come, you are part of that change, the change that will live to transform your society and make a better place for everyone.

When Hong Kong feel like there have been subjugated by China, with series of law that makes it difficult for their agitators to operate freely, they protested and let the Chinese government know that the decisions didn’t go well with them, even though they live under what they might see as harsh law, and most barbaric way of doing things.

Black people are living in white countries, is because of the efforts of the pioneers, they were able to enjoy certain rights just like their counterparts, the Washington March, still the greatest demonstration in the history, inspired by change and the need to have a better society. When Martin Luther King Jr mounted on that pulpit, he didn’t have his own interests in heart, he was determined to free millions of black people who are living as slave, and create a new world for them to strive, the reason for ‘I Have A Dream’ speech haven’t stopped, but to an extent it was impactful.

The dangerous outbreak of fire in Lebanon, which happened in the capital city Beirut. Citizens took it differently, years of bad government and maladministration, they were all over the streets protesting and voicing out their anger and need for change.

Protest have it own power to influence every decisions, many countries have Independence today, is because of protest and march for Independence, out of pressure colonial masters left and allow the people to have their own government.

Unarmed black man, Jacob Blake was shot seven times, which have sparked another protest in US, fortunately he survived, but doctor said he would need miracle to walk again, it was a horrendous in front of his children, many sports activities were boycotted due to injustice.