How Music Keeps You Aloft

Music is a huge comfort, you can imagine a boring world without music. It comes from a place of perfection the melodious sound takes the soul on a voyage of search for- motivation, inspiration, love and sorrow.

Everyone goes through rough moments and deal with their pains differently, you choose the best way to get over it but sometimes it proves to be very hard to get rid of and you give everything to leave it in the past.

Emotional trauma can be mental threatening depriving you a good state of mind, when you were deepened in the ocean of your problems. Life becomes a big fight at that moment and you give everything to keep pushing.

It is like an end of the world when you lost a love one or someone very close to your heart, it feels like you’re not going to get over it throughout the period you fight to restore your peace.

Everyone has gone through trauma, a problem they lack clue on how to live again. Music plays an important role in the process of healing, it tries to serve as a mediator between you and your problems and that’s what it stands for.

2021: Struggle and fight for life

Music is supernatural, it touches every single bit of you at the touch of it you become a different breed. It is an interaction with an imaginary world where you envisage to be.

When you’re down it takes you out of your horrible moment and keep you in a lucid moment. When you’re on a repeat with your favourite song it puts you above everything you can imagine.

Music is a perfect medicine for the soul, it says the language that lovers understand. You can use music to express your love and give it the meaning you want and the way you want it.

Music is evergreen it never gets old, it is a big source of energy and it invigorates every bit of you at the touch of it. It can keep you on a high level of interaction with your inner self and your motivation.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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