How Mismatch Of Appointments Have Set Africa Backwards

Every work is meant for proper and qualified personnel to take up the job and do it the best possible way they knew well. Giving every job its due is by giving the job the most appropriate person for the job, not just anybody and in Africa mismatch of appointments have set Africa ten times backwards.

People go through certain schooling to be able to match the area of their concentration, but often they find themselves doing a totally different job from what they have learnt and the sectors continue to have major setbacks.

After certain primary and secondary education, it most have given a person an oval view of what you would like to become in life, and University gives the desire to pursue this dream and come out refined, often you end up doing what is not in line with your orientation, there by altering your career to fit in.

You can’t do something that you’re clueless about, you lack primary and secondary foundation to drive it forward, it will only end up in collapse, causing societal mismatch and havoc to the sector.

In Africa this strives the most, where appointments are used to compensate henchmen, endangering the lives of innocent citizens and leaving them in the hands of clueless people, who are reluctant to push the society forward and achieve success.

In African politics it dominates the settings, once a “god father” help to reach the top positions, somehow he makes or contribute to the major decisions taking place in the country, even special positions to fill in people of his choice, and this creates the atmosphere for mismatch of appointments to strive in Africa.

In various ministries, there are huge employment blunder going on, the head of the ministry can’t perform or drive the ministry forward, because a medical doctor have been appointed to take on education ministry, an agriculturist have been appointed to take on education ministry, and this recycling continue to influence successful ministries.

For Africa to drive forward everyone should be a perfect fit for any job they are doing, unless that there will have increase of mismatch of appointments in African countries, causing a stagnancy in the process of development.

A huge factor that fascinate this mismatch of appointments in African countries, is high rate of unemployment, every year thousands of students graduate to join the high number of unemployment rate, it drives the mentality of doing something than nothing.

High rate of unemployment figures caused hard puzzle to solve, whether longer-term or short-term plans, it revolves around pushing the continent forward, and they need that growth to out live their potentials and grow beyond that.

The labour market shows no positivity and enabling environment, it is always survival of the fittest and most people crash out in the process sometimes it becomes unbearable and the situation turn totally different.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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