Suddenly everything stopped, no school, no church, no mosque, no office work and the world become solitude with its misery, everywhere was chaotic, health workers were the heroes who are doing selfless work to fight and defeat the thief at night. Orders are in place to capture, incarcerate the thief at night, probably killed by firing squad.

The outbreak of coronavirus pandemic is no joke, although some people are still stiff-necked concerning their thoughts about the virus, having a totally different opinions about the virus, but one thing is certain, we were forced inside because of the coronavirus pandemic, which midwifed the lockdown.

It is unusual, may be not unprecedented, when people are compelled to stay indoors for their own safety, self to self contacts help in spreading the dreadful pandemic, possibly many people will contract the virus, which is a huge blow, and slow down the work health workers are doing behind the scene.

The most popular country in North America, have recorded a high number of cases and deaths, to help curb the spread, the idea of lockdown was initiated which played it own role in the fight against the virus.

It is weird, but certain things prompt drastic change of the circumstances, not everyone will be good, staying at home for such a long period of time, at some point you began to adapt to the life coronavirus pandemic has chosen for everyone, even when you try hard to maintain the tempo.

Initially nobody expected it to last for such a long time, that’s why you need to learn this, life is autocratic, it behaves as it pleases, notwithstanding the lockdown has made many people to try something they would not have done in their life time, giving chance for opportunities and creating it for the moments.

Normally you would wake up and dress up and go to work, it is totally a different ball game now, your daily routines have changed, the dreadful pandemic have changed it without anyone’s consent, now could be wake up, workout, bathe, sleep and eat running around the circle.

Many things have taken a different directions in your life, your approach to life, more importantly the new phase of life everybody has subjected to, the memories of lockdown is a story that will be hard to erase from our minds, it will be hard to forget.

Families have taken enough time to get closer and know one another, very well, establishing the lost relationships, the route it takes in changing the rudiments and private aspects our life, doing things together and looking out for one another, the atmosphere is full of love despite the uncertainty.

Lockdown will be remembered for coronavirus pandemic, but the hidden part of the lockdown which people have taken to amend and move on, transforming their lives, it is hard to say, but people were able to love, make up for the loss time and live again in the middle of lockdown.