How K-Drama Is Piercing Through Hearts Of Young Nigerians

For long K-drama has taken leisure time of most Nigeria’s young people, with the romantic set up piercing through the hearts of young Nigerians as young people growing up with prospect of experiencing similar circumstance and to replicate that in their love life. South Korea is fast growing in their TV dramas and music industry, the world can easily assimilate South Korean culture without necessary travelling to South Korea. Nigerians have found comfortability in K-drama and something they can ally with, K-pop is also a new prospect in Nigeria, with ‘Bangtan Soyeondan’ which translates as ‘Bulletproof Boy Scouts’ a popular boys’ group widely known as BTS.

It has become a popular trend in the university, both young men and young women discuss new K-dramas and exchange likes and dislikes of a particular K-drama and the one they feel is a big success on the screen, “Boys Over Flowers” is a big hit on Nigerian screen, from there K-drama takes a central stage in Nigeria but very popular amongst women particularly university students and some men. It is creating a sense of hope for love amongst these peers that feel they can replicate something like that in their lives and improve their relationships, but Nigeria’s notion about relationship might prove a huge hindrance but the way K-drama is piercing through the hearts of young Nigerians it might prove recalcitrant to make a difference.

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But most importantly for them, they are projecting Asian culture and values to the world, with the international attention and recognition they can make the most of it and strive off the relevance. Young Nigerians are seeking identity through K-drama, it is very rare in Nigeria movie industry to have such movies where predominantly teenagers and young adults shine lights on what is bedeviling them growing up and search of respect and loyalty in relationship, they are striving better with K-drama because through that they can envisaged the kind of romantic lifestyle they tend to have in the future.

Social media has played a significant role in getting young Nigerians to like K-drama and now fast integrating with K-pop; the popular known BTS. K-drama is striving better with women, especially with undergraduate students, they are the ones driving K-drama to fellow Nigerians, having social media groups and accounts dedicated for discussion of K-drama and everything that has to do with music and drama exclusively, but they tend to like the music and movies even they are originally set in Korean language, but they go a long way to discuss appearance and new found masculinity which is different from muscular men. With “Alchemy of Soul” they are in interconnecting telling their stories with culture and romance, that’s where they have found their identity, it is soul inspiring for young Nigerians.   

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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Anthony Emmanuel Network

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