Drug abuse creates a big gap between a sane and insane society, and this abuse is prominent among population of young people, it has become a menace which the society is struggling to contain, it has constantly become threat to the progressive growth of sane society. The result of drug abuse can directly lead to breaking law, violence and threat to health, this is where society directly feels the aftermath. Society needs to grow to frown at drug abuse, it becomes disturbing where people glorify the act, and paint the picture in a way it will be appealing, while the long lasting damage still persists, society should be directly at war with drug abuse.
Reasons why people use substance is differed on various basis. It could be by peer group influence, where such act becomes constant conversation amongst the group, and they just want to try the act out, to the extent where addiction comes in and it becomes a different struggle. People who need help from addiction struggle to come out and seek for therapy or other options, because of the stigma that comes with it, they rather perish in that act than seek help from their addiction. The society needs wide sensitization and education on drug abuse, not just to deter people from abusing substance but also those who are struggling to stop, to seek help. It now becomes damaging for those who think they can’t stop, that is where the work lies, to talk to them to see reasons why they have to change route.
The mental and physical effect of drug abuse is damaging. It can cause permanent brain damage, and it becomes a loss to the society, a person who suffers addiction will began to grow some difference in character, and the lack of ability to engage in intelligent conversations and poor decision making. Such behaviour, he will carry and transcend to the wider environment, while some people may not align with him, others will reason along with him, and it becomes a menace to the society, that’s how circle of substance abusers is nurtured within that space to pose threat to a sane society.
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Drug abuse can threaten people’s relationships with family and friends, in that period of their life, they lack the capacity to maintain healthy relationships with people around them, because they will always admonish him against the substance. There will not be focused goal or target for them to achieve, they will be largely occupied with which substance is the next to take and keeps on recycling like that until, they totally severe ties with the loved ones, at that point such relationship will be very difficult to mend leaving a huge lacuna.
It is collective efforts to build a sane society, if drug abuse persists, then there will be high increase in crime and jails will be congested. It is continuous efforts to maintain awareness on drug abuse. Children who have parents that suffer addiction are likely to struggle to get out of that situation, and also kids that live in drug orchestrated crime neighbourhood will have the negative picture growing up, to make it out will be down to strong character and wider exposure, and education that’s the link to build sane society.
Former Spurs player, Dele Alli has recently said that, he spent six weeks in rehab for sleeping pill addiction and mental health issues. He added that misuse of sleeping tablets was something going around more than people realize in football. He further said, “I was taking a lot. I don’t want to get into numbers but it was definitely way too much and I had some scary moments.” This is how damaging the situation can be, it will separate you from reality of life and put you in the world of fantasy, with what Dele has said, it will be an avenue for footballers who suffer addiction to come out and seek help.
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