How Childhood Trauma leaves Scars in the society

Every society grows successively, the bedrock of this growth is how ease and enabling the environment which people grow in facilitate productivity. Society is the wider family, it is what you learned from your family that you will apply in the society for survival. Sometimes people don’t have families to learn from for this, they are thrown in the streets for survival and take every experience as blueprint for survival. Across the globe, the incessant wars are going to be living trauma for kids witnessing it and as they grow with such experience it will take a negative toll in the society and leaves scars that will be difficult to heal from.

It is self-destructive mechanisms because no much attention is directed towards their rehabilitation, these children due to displacement caused by wars might end up in IDP camps or in foreign country or even families that treat them with no sense of humanity. Childhood experiences marred by incessant wars and running from one family to the other, poses direct attack to the society, the scars are always reminder to them, and it guides them on how they should act in any particular situation. Children learn from their environment and tend to pick from whatever that’s happening in their environment and it leads then asking a lot of questions, which controls their emotional and rational thinking from that early stages of life.

Despite the campaigns at global and regional levels on violence against children, it is a pressing contemporaneous issue, the situation in Sudan, Northern Nigeria, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Gaza and some other places around the globe where children are exposed to terrorism, wars, corrupt governments, living under draconian laws and all whatnot impede smooth transition of children to adulthood. The aftermath of the effect is grave on the society,  it is scars that will futuristically determine harmonious coexistence in the society. To curb the woes that will emanate from such experience there is need for joint action from every actors involve.

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It is a serious damage for mental health, whether such kids outgrow those horrible experiences to live like every other normal children in the society. Any government that failed to protect its future will be perpetually at war with itself. There should be effective mechanisms in schools and even criminal justice system that will give them sense of belongingness and gradually rehabilitate back into the society. When such measures are not taken to effect changes, it will leave scars in the society which will constructively pose threat to social and emotional wellbeing in relating with other people. And these children might turn out to become a menace in the society.

It is really devastating to think that violence against children emanate from their homes, it could be from parents or even trusted relatives who constantly threatened them to keep mute as to cover up their inhumane conduct. Sexual abuse against children have increased in the society, particularly coming from trusted relatives. It comes with depression and lack of self-esteem, they will be feeling less of themselves, living with trauma that you will be sexually abused every single time, makes you to jump out of your skin, it attacks whole existence of the child. Most times due to poverty kids are sent to live with family in the city as the case always in Africa, while they help the family with house chores in return for their education or learning craft, such exchange most times end bad against the wellbeing of the child.

The stability and sustainability of any society is anchored on how children are protected and prioritized in the society. Healthy relationships with children are panacea to long term problems and saving the society the scars that will hunt and dwarf the progress made to enthrone healthy society. Children need social, emotional and moral support to evolve within themselves effortlessly.

Chukwuebuka Ogbu


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