As kids transcend from that stage to teenage stage, having conversations about sex is one of the most important conversations parents can have with their children. It is an eye opening moment to have the conversation about sex education and to acquire the best possible education to navigate through that stage in life. A lot of sex related topics are all over the place, children have become victims and vulnerable to nudes photos, porn videos and prospectively wired to explore what it is all about. Parents pretend to be naive with this topic, they allegedly claim that their children are not old enough to have the conversation even when they are preparing for university education, when they failed to have this conversation it becomes catastrophic on the other side.
Social media has facilitated the rapid growth of this topic it is now rife everywhere, to have proper conversation about sex, parents and schools have greater part to play. It is such important conversation, and when foundation is not properly laid there will be no basis to kick-start the conversation. It is hard to get teenage children to open up about sex, when this conversation was not initiated earlier enough, it is through the education they acquire, they will use to navigate through when they see themselves in the wider society. Parents need right moment and language to initiate this conversation, a stable atmosphere at home will help the conversation flow positively.
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It can be very damaging for teenagers when they began to learn it elsewhere, and resort to social media and sometime fall victims to social media users, exchanging naked photos with adults, smoothly leading them to overtly sex conversation like, positions, pills and the experience. Choking sex and rough sex are now dominant trend in this topic, your teenage child might made to believe it is best way to have healthy sexual relationship, or made to believe that it is the best way to derive pleasure, it doesn’t matter what you do, the ultimate goal is to derive pleasure and satisfaction. This is the narrative they will carry along them, when you fail to have sex conversation with your teen children, the conversation as parents or parent with your child gets better with time when it is initiated earlier enough.
Creating the environment and atmosphere for the conversation with your teen is a step forward into the conversation, everyone is doing it, doesn’t necessarily mean they should follow the same road, sex conversation and education will be an asset for them to navigate through the hurdle. The world is a global village, they can be easily influenced with what they see or read in the internet, they need proper education and judgment-free zones where they will be allowed to express themselves, it is through that they will be assessed or stand to be corrected in whatever way and with that you can know who actually are their role models, those they aspire to be like and the way they model their lives.