European Colonial Ideologies And Traces Still Much Alive

Germany and Nigeria have signed an agreement to return Benin Bronzes- one of the most culturally significant artefacts looted in 19th century. The era might have ended physically but European colonial ideologies and Traces still much alive in present Africa. Much heavy hands in administration in Africa, which has been the deadlock for development in Africa particularly economic and political. According to Al Jazeera, French art historians have estimated that some 90% of Africa’s looted cultural heritage is believed to be in Europe. The most pressing questions still remain that what actually is Africa’s cultural heritage is doing in European museum, the same people that condemned and castigated African traditions.

Since this year there have been few returns of Africa’s looted cultural heritage, few months back the remain of former Congolese president Patrice Lumumba was returned from Belgium decades after the demise of the nationalist. It is a thing for Africa to look beyond the return of those artifacts and while waited all these years to act on it, in building equitable and formidable society nothing should be left untouched, some issues like these form the basis of equality globally, if it was an African country that looted artifacts from European museum, the headlines will be buzzing to pass judgement at the quickest interval.

It is believed that those cultural bronzes were looted by British soldiers who invaded Kingdom of Benin in 1897, presently situated at south-western part of Nigeria. This is unveiling the ills dreadful colonization which the principle aim is to loot and destroy the continent both physically and mentally, those colonial ideologies and traces have not left Africa, it is still detects the relationship between African countries and other European countries, they still see Africa as deserted entity with naive people, and the worst mental destruction is to look like what the enemy described you with.

The return of Benin Bronzes are no greater move by the German government, it shouldn’t be something to celebrate, it is exactly what should have been done long time ago with big apologies,  but due to the sense of colonial ideologies and traces are still in place in the way they see Africa, nothing has changed to Europeans they feel like they are still in charge of Africa in most significant way, the only difference is that there are not physically present, the world could be better if one will be treated with respect and dignity, but largely unhealthy where another is swept under the carpet.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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