Donald Trump: Four Years Of Heated Racial Disunity

The issue of race in the world wasn’t that aggravated until Donald Trump’s administration, which sparked a heated racial disunity and rivalries between white people and people of colour. The colour of skin is a battle fought by pioneers of frontier, who think that there should be peaceful coexistence irrespective of where you’re coming from.

Racism has inflicted more pain, than coronavirus pandemic had done, looking at the case of George Floyd’s minutes of agony, this has become a problem the whole world is facing and they feel like is not actually a problem, because they talk more and less actions.

Many people have accused Donald Trump of heightening racial disunity and have done absolutely nothing in aiding and healing racial disunity, instead he ignites the rivalries. It is totally not acceptable to witness this horror in this current dispensation, it is something they have assumed died with forefathers.

Some people believe that there are systematic racism in United States, the forthcoming election in United States will be a very crucial one for the country and to the world also, when you’re igniting internal war and claimed to enforcing law and order, while everything is so obvious, the system needs healing more than ever.

Black people have been through a lot this year, this year is undoubtedly the most traumatic year for a long period of time, not only for black people but for everyone. How can you be contented with the fact that your black friends enjoys no equal rights with you, not because of incapacitation but because of their colour skin.

Widespread of killings, which seem to be targeted on black is worst than horror, how are you going to explain this to little black boys and girls, sometimes you want to keep them away from it, the best approach is to educate them and give them the confidence to believe more in who they are.

Celebrities all over the world have showed their immense support for black communities inspired by Black Lives Matter movement to help spread love and the urgent for rebuild. Society of this kind only strive on heat, prejudice and war.

Donald Trump’s niece Mary Trump, tell-all memoir ‘Too Much And Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man. This is far from an example of a good leader, certain aspects of one’s life can detect one future decisions, Donal Trump reckless tweets and speeches cannot bring about the unity United States need now.

The world is watching, you cannot ignite racial disunity and teamed in the way of protecting law and order, United States have embarked in all kinds of protests to show dissatisfaction of the situation, circumstances where promoter of peace turned to be a warlord.

If not anything Donald Trump’s four years will be remembered, with widespread of racial disunity, the time United States of centuries’ backward in all its dealings, whoever continues in the white house, what United States need is racial equality and unity in diversity.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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