It has been a case study that, most people in our society suffer from depression, which is the major cause that lead to their dead. It has shown the mental status of human entity which need total sanity to continue working effectively.

Most women in the society are the victims of the issue, at their husband death, they become totally distabilize, the zeal to continue moving is not there anymore, she has now left with three kids to finance their welfare, so many years have passsed, she is still reluctant to move away from the tragic lost, she thinks deep about it, and put her self in as the instrument of tears.

Such which leads to depression, sometimes accompanied with ruthless disease, and the world will become a nightmare for such person. It will be encouraging to support the kind of people and help out the most possible way we can, on the other hand women should not let themselves to be held captive for such.

This is critical moments of one’s life, trying to cope with the situation which is a threat to your life, you can really tell how it feels, it might make you speechless, traumatizing your life and making it difficult for you.

It is a time, that denied your complete state of mind, depression can lead to different kinds of problem, if it is not properly handld, rather we should learn to abstain from cause.

Continue learning and staying off, from the situation which denied our sanity, it is obvious how dangerous it can be sometimes, you really have to keep your sanity and continue to develop.

Keeping yourself busy with something that can make you derail from the cause which may denied your sanity and cause depression for you, when something like this happens, its totally uneasy for one, recuperating from the dreaful ordeal can take much time than expected.