Coronavirus: How Lockdown Redefines Our Weekends

Weekend is the break in working, usually two days. When we mostly organize ourselves or home after a stressful weekdays from work, trying to channel our minds from something else apart from work and use that to redefine cartain things we left undone, but here the lockdown has no weekends, how do we reintegrate into new and temporal system.

Many people are finding it difficult to reintegrate amid the lockdown, a situation where every day seems to be the same and nothing really changed, you do the same routine everyday, the same way you did the previous day.

Many have engage themselves during this lockdown period, trying to keep their mind active, avoid the idleness of mind, which can draw them ten steps backwards, when everything returns to normal, while some allowed the solitude of the lockdown period, swimming in the ocean of sleep, watching television and doing other things, which is not helping the mind to grow.

It seems that, there is no more weekends, how has it redefined our weekends, it is a disadvantage or advantage? What has been taking your time this period? Access yourself, know where you’re channeling your energy, and whether it worth it.

What has really changed in this lockdown? May be your mentality or way of living, have you taken this lockdown period to redefine yourself, this goes a long way to explain that, life is not stable. Sometimes it drives us from this angle to the other angle, our stronghold will determine how powerful our pillar is.

Life swingles, once in life time we expect to live unusual, doing weird things or living strange. Stay connected with your goals, this time is actually the trail times, life is going to hit you very hard, when you realized, the days you wasted on something that doesn’t worth it.

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Weekend is time to work on yourself and fix some certain things, or probably chill. Now there’s no weekends mentally, how do you adjust, is your normal routine still the same or dissarrayed by lockdown.

Have you totally forgotten about weekends, for now weekends are on sabbatical until the lockdown is lifted. Use this time to work on yourself, utilize the opportunity to develop into a better person. It is not all about rushing out to make money, what about your family? How long have you taken to have a good time with them, now is the opportunity to make everything right and start anew.

Look at where the children are channeling their energy, as a parent you have been at home but, it seems like you are aware, now these children want you now, help them to achieve their targets, this lockdown could be a redefining moments in your life.

Take this period to set everything right in your life, such moments may not come again in your life, act like nothing is happening, keep the same energy at home as you could have done it at work. Your motivation is really important keep working towards your destination.

Don’t let coronavirus give you the awful experience during the lockdown at home, try and make something out of nothing, come out positive when the situation is surrounded with negativity.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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