Conspiracy Theory: How Trump And His Cohorts Will Be Remembered

The race for White House takes a different side when president Donald Trump failed woefully in curtailing the pandemic, rather he spent so much time on his reckless tweets and golf course. Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris as her running mate, which gives Trump a concern on possibility crashing out from the white house race.

The dangerous route president Donald Trump is taking

It was a hell of a year for United States they went through to much and it is hard to neglect this, the dreadful pandemic struck America differently but much talk and less action get the cases climbing ladder.

Trump’s conspiracy theories start making headlines when the election welcomes mail votes, immediately he starts clamouring for fraud and possible stolen of mandate from him which was never a truth.

First presidential debate ended on trade of insults, it was nothing to be proud of but you can say that Trump made Joe Biden a better competitor in White House race as he tries to keep calm while Trump was furious.

Throughout the presidential and vice-president debates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris triumph in the debates. Trump spends so much time downplaying the seriousness of the pandemic and pushing all the blames on China for “unleashing plagues” in the world.

President Donald Trump adds flames by telling people that their mandate was stolen which is a big lie as is all about American’s voice and nothing less, inflicting huge blow to America democratic institutions.

The invasion of the country’s Capitol by angry Trump supporters will always be remembered, it is important not to forget Trump and his cohorts because the future can only vindicate.

Whatever ambition that Trump nurtures that is more important than Americans is something to be written off and not of benefits of the Americans, they should always remember this and those behind him spreading the conspiracy theories.

You can rightly say that Republican party has lost its identity it is more of “Trump’s party”. It is about who is with him and against him, who supports the truth and who supports lies.

If Donald Trump is more important than millions of Americans that made you to support his baseless claim you will get to explain in near future and as your name has been written down in the hearts of Americans. Undermining the credibility of the election is a rough way to achieve your goals.

It was a huge insults to those who voted, and the democracy it might be far from taking lightly the invasion of US Capitol will go down in the history but will take a different slide which will be remembered for who unleash plagues on the democracy.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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