According to the Cambridge dictionary, upbringing is how you are treated and educated when young, especially by your parents, especially to the effect that this is base on how you behave and make moral decisions.

 It is the training received while growing up, especially in one’s formative years. Good upbringing is an aspect of a child’s life that cannot be overlooked. It moulds the behaviour of the child, it creates in him or her self-confidence, honesty, independence, self-direction, and a purpose in life.  Gordon B. Hinckley said “if we are worried about the future, then we must look today at the upbringing of children. The training a child receives during his or her formative years of childhood has a lot to do with the behaviour of the child and his or her general approach to life. Education and training during the childhood years either inform the child or deform the child.

 Upbringing entails modification of a child’s character and is synonymous with education. Note that education is different from literacy, which is one being literate, and having the ability to read, write and compute figures. Education is holistic, it entails character modification, self-awareness, and goal setting and it provides an opportunity for the actualization of the set goals. A good upbringing is a training ground for future leaders, children with aspirations, a mindset, and agents for positive change. A good upbringing is like good parenting, being a parent is a divine responsibility hence carefulness and utmost dedication in carrying out this function.

 Also, the family is the first agent of socialization, and the wider society receives what has been trained by families. Negligence in some negative behaviours exhibited by children should not be allowed to continue. Such negative behaviours like aggressiveness, retaliation, lies, unwillingness to learn, anger when corrected etc. distract them and hamper their psychological reasoning and make them prone to societal vices.

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 Furthermore, fundamental moral values should be imparted to every child. Morals like greetings, praying, accommodating, being truthful etc. Good and effective communication is also a justification for a good upbringing, your diction when communicating with children, and your reaction to other people most especially in their presence should be well guided. Continuous check on their studies and willingness to study should also be a priority, imbibe in the child a good studying spirit, pointing out the consequences of neglecting their studies.

 In addition, parents encountering challenges while carrying out this responsibility of upbringing can’t be overlooked. Challenges like absentee parents or parents who spend little time with their children and spend much time in their places of work. Time management is a solution to the above-mentioned challenge. The time parents spend at home should be inspections, conversations, admonishing, playing and as well praying. Challenges like aggressive behaviour, judgmental attitude, and lack of trust and understanding will be minimized by spending quality time and getting to know the children more.

 In conclusion, raising children involved supporting their overall development and preparing them for life. A good upbringing moulds a child into a good human being. Most of one’s personality traits are acquired during childhood. How one thinks and acts are shaped by how he has been raised, which is why parents have a very important role to play in a child’s development. It is about teaching children to differentiate between right and wrong, making them capable and supporting their emotional, social, and intellectual development.

 For the children’s upbringing to be healthy, the parents need to dedicate enough time to them, adopt the right ways of teaching or guiding them, and create an environment conducive to the children’s development.

 Finally, Shinichi Suzuki said ” wrong education and upbringing produces ugly personalities, whereas a fine upbringing and good education will bring forth superior sense and feeling, as well as nobility and purity of mind” Again, Anne Frank said “Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands” So to our graduates, the foundation has been laid, you have the pen which is mightier than the sword, the light which the school and your parents has ignited in you should never be put off. Keep the light shining and represent yourselves excellently in any area or field of study you have chosen to be for yourselves. Do not be negatively influenced, always seek that which is worthwhile, enriching and enhancing both cognitively and spiritually. You are stars, shine brightly, and have confidence in yourselves. Put God first and excel in your endeavours in life. Amen.



  1. This is well articulated. I want to say that the write was inspired by the holy Spirit and she touched so many aspects of child upbringing. I recommend this article to be handed over to all graduating students of secondary school even primary six pupils. Thanks to the writer, more power to your elbow.


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