chasing dream
Follow your dream that’s what is going to be give you the redemption you have always long for, chasing your dream and seeing it come to fulfillment can give you the best satisfaction. It is often about where you anchored your foundation, if your stronghold is very firm nothing is going to break you and you will keep going forward. Be specific about what you want don’t switch sides, be optimistic going after it and ready to numb the pain, that’s what is going to keep you alive in chasing your dream, it is your best hope and you can’t afford to lose on this.
You are on a different level when you chose to go after your dream, it gives you identity and have truly defined yourself, it is never going to be fair, you will always come up with tough situations, in chasing your dream you have to be all you can be, there is no boundary to what you can achieve. Stay woke and be resilient all time, let your passion wake you up, you are on the right when sleep becomes inconvenient, it places you on top in reaching for the stars, that’s the place it shines the brightest and you have to make the best of the situation.
To get your vision through the rain
In chasing your dream, it is about what you can contribute to improve humanity and make it a better place from your own little world, you let the light shine in the whole world it is all about making the difference. To give people hope in going forward is a great satisfaction, you never know who rely on your strength to keep pushing, you could be a power house, you can’t tell how many people you’re powering, just hold your breathe and keep fighting for your dream until you figure it out, then you have shine your lights where darkness dwell.
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