
Communication is the bedrock of connecting with family and friends, it builds the needed close-knit conversation which seem small, but can go a long to find a peace in lives of many. Sometimes, when there is break in communication in this circle, which can be sour to the extent of no communication for long; when there are no nexus, it becomes very unhealthy which can breed resentment and betrayal. Sometimes family fall out with one another, creating divisive groups which become rivalry to the other, when family member hurt the other, it feels impossible to resolve, due to close affinity shared, so from there it can linger on.

Friendship can be strong depending on the foundation it was laid on, when it is anchored on shared interests it tends to have stronghold, but not like family due to soul to soul relationship that exist amongst family members, that’s why when trust and loyalty is breached in the family it becomes hard to bring the parties to common table to dialogue, once the trust is breached it feel irredeemable, there is always a lacuna that can never be filled. In life time it is difficult to avoid conflict more especially with the loved ones, there are members that will always feel that they are not accorded proper treatment or respected enough.

In as much conflict is inevitable part of mankind, what ushers in thereafter is the means of negotiating it, especially for one to be heard in a form one can feel satisfied. The difference is in individual character, what might be important to one might not be important to the other, it weighs individual feelings and the need to accommodate it in negotiable way. Negotiable way means where everyone will be allow to speak from the areas it hurt, from there reception of opinions will be done in an amicable way to have everyone interests protected.

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This could be the ultimate point where wheat will be severed from thorns. Forgiveness is the brainchild of relationship especially during conflict, to reach that point where the end goal is achieved. They say you cannot become less of who you are to make someone feel more of themselves. The purport of this, is that someone who is in the position to feel angry and disappointed, when constantly encouraged to concede forgiveness just to let things continue to be the way it supposed to be feel like they have stripped them the right to be angry against their defaulters.

Forgiveness is paramount, in its good nature there are need to address the issues properly which led to the fallout, most times people forgive but to forget feels like divine. Someone’s sanity and serenity of the mind needs to be protected to make sure the situation never resurfaced again, with that forgiveness can be said to be achieved in its entirety. This is such a great tool for family and friends to rekindle their bond, conflict is man’s every day affair to come to terms of listening to one another and agreed on the same view to have settled conflict that’s the ultimate goal.   


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