As the World continues to Gasp for Breath on what Sustainable Peace looks like

Sustainable Peace in Middle-East

The chaos is far from its end as the world gasps for breathe on what sustainable peace looks like. The war in Middle-East has reached a boiling point for humanity, the level of atrocities carried on by both parties involved show no regard for mankind. While agreements for cease fire have failed on number of occasions, it has now seem almost impossible as the recent report of six Israeli hostages killed by Hamas, as protests spread across Israeli cities. Another disheartening moment of the war is when a Palestinian man went to register birth for his twin just to return and met them dead. Amongst other despair these are few to mention, as the escalation continues to spread within the Middle-East with no instituted mechanisms for sustainable peace insight.

The protest in Israel, a rage over failure to secure hostage deal, the protest is icing on the cake from different perspective, while from the bereaved relation point of view, having waited for such long time to welcome them, they could not have expected any worse outcome then this, and this has ended their wait, and they can see now that the wait is over on a negative note. For wider Israeli population the protest could be an avenue to annihilate Gaza more than seeking for peace deal for the remaining hostages, while the odds are high from both parties and peace deal is not in sight, victims are at mercy of their respective principals.

The world’s greatest achievement now may arguably be, achieving sustainable peace in Middle-East particularly Gaza war, to put stamp on what the position is in Gaza. It is understood that United Nations have taken measures to do that, yet the parties are still at arm’s length. In as much peace will be panacea to this crisis, yet the parties are not willing to commit or compromise their positions. The mental impact of war from both striking and at receiving end, is the biggest threat after the war, rehabilitating them into normal society for months of violence and running away from home to take cover.

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The extremists or campaigners of war will argue that the world will be boring to them without war, which is very unsound and noxious argument to make, every human life is important, that’s the change and influence it brings to humanity, but the rage emanate where others feel that they are more important than the other, or their lives are precious than the other. The bottom line is that the world will strive on sustainable peace than incessant wars ravaging lives and property. Palestinian lost the bid to speak at Democrats National Convention in USA, to address the dire situation in Gaza, the candidates from leading parties will look to prioritize peace in Middle-East with Gaza in view.

The role of Nigeria in maintaining Sustainable Peace in Africa

Kidnapping and banditry have become the order of the day in present day Nigeria, people are questioning the efficacy of security measures put in place to curb and frustrate the operation of these rogues. National Communications Commission (NCC) in Nigeria has issued deadline for NIN-SIM linkage yet the widespread of kidnapping and banditry has taken reign all over the country. Some victims and eyewitnesses have alleged that these activities occur at checkpoints manned by security personnel. As the outcry grown over ineffective NCC has come out to shift the responsibility on Nigeria Police Force(NPF) as they failed to maintain technology put in place to track criminals, a system overly manipulated and politicised.

Nigeria has significant role to play in Africa but it is self-evident they have failed beyond measures almost in all ramifications and leaves the whole continent in vulnerability. Professor PLO Lumumba has emphatically said that until Nigeria got it right, the whole continent will continue to be in disarray in terms of economy, security, leadership and human development, when you don’t take care of the present then the future will be thrown in uncertainty, and that’s  the bane of problem in Africa. The problem of widespread coups and civil wars are yet to be abated, as coups are now seen as alternative to dethrone corrupt leaders as opposed to periodic elections.

Among other problems, issue of agitation and secession will have to take central stage in Africa and address the root cause. Exploring dialogue first might provide clear insight than using all out war with first approach. ECOWAS tried it with Niger, it yielded no outcome, it will only exploit fragile situation to plunge it into more crisis and create shaky and unstable atmosphere.

No Sustainable Peace in sight for Putin and Zelenskyy

As the war between Ukraine and Russia show no sight to end, there are closer to escalation and destruction than any sought of peace deal. Recent prisoners swap involving Russia and America, are exploitive avenue from both parties to broker a deal. Ukraine has brought war to Russia with their recent incursion to pressure President Putin to come to bargaining table and negotiate real terms to end war. The incursion which was met with response is a sign that sustainable peace, the world is gasping for is far from reality as no compromise can be reached.

Chukwuebuka Ogbu


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