The course for identity of religion and tribe has left a wide hole in African society. One’s allegiance to his religion and tribe as opposed to general interest of the people occupying that defined territory has set countries in Africa ablaze, creating eternal rivalry between communities, and villages against villages then the human ravage continues. Religion and tribe allegiance can be traced to perpetual bad leadership in Africa, creating for people at the top of important positions to appoint religion and tribe relegating competence, diligence and capability. In Africa, it has set a bad precedence, and this has continued at the detriment of the masses, whom they claimed to be representing.

Younger generations are emerging, and such practiced need to be abolished for them to strive competitively in their environment. While the religion and tribe dichotomy still posed a big threat to Africa’s growth, there have to be liberation of the mind, for you to be able to think beyond what you see and reason beyond what you’re told, that’s create freewill to open a level ground for people to compete based on their worth and capacity to get the work done, not standing on the bad precedence of religion and tribe, and it is unfortunate that in Africa poor masses are easily attached to such sentiments, and being ignorant of the whole set up, which was designed to keep them in the dark.

In many African countries, the citizens becomes their own problem, there are no unit, or powerful group of people that tend to hold the government accountable when they are deviating, everything has price tag and can be affordable; even human reasoning in Africa. The damage caused in Tigray, can be averted, but brothers choose to fight against brothers, and that is worse kind of fight. It has to come to a point where dialogue can be used to achieve important means in Africa, without resulting to war, and the damage caused and especially lives lost are irreplaceable; where people die politically instead of naturally in Africa.

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Using Nigeria as a case study; young people in other African countries need to hold their government accountable, within the bounds of the law, if they are not competent they can be replaced when elections come, you cannot be leaning to religion and tribe while the system is in comatose, with that power can be truly say to reside with the people and the status quo will change into what it used to be, to competent. Africa needs to adopt the right approach to bring systems into life in the continent, host of talents, but they have been diminished by bad leadership, and bad leadership does not know religion and tribe, just like pandemic everyone gets affected, unfortunately those who unleash the plagues do not get affected in Africa.

It is time Africa severed religion and tribe, and allow competence to govern the affairs of the state, it is going to usher in a new dawn, even with the level of religion in Africa, and it has not stopped the economic and human ravages going on in Africa. It shows how leaders hide under the disguise of religion to loot and exploit resources meant for development of their communities, while masses who choose to be ignorant will chant their praises and that become a problem to erase, a better approach to a new dawn to enthroned good leadership need to be encouraged in Africa.


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