Social media space has been constantly running up against what reality of life is all about, everyone appears to have perfect life, appears more beautiful on social media posts than reality, filter out all life worries to make sure there is no cracks. It carries a lot of pressure, self-inflicted pressure that runs up against your self-esteem and confidence, it is wide margin of existence that contradicts each other and exist at different realms of life. People react to the aesthetics they see on social media and they tend to replicate it in their life irrespective of what they are giving up in exchange for life they have chosen. Lack of proper education towards approach to use of social media is causing chaos in the society.

There are two parties that are in issue; celebrities and followers. They occupy trends and create conversations around the internet, it is a way of keeping the internet buzzing, most especially reaching out to the wider audience to share in with their craft. But what followers have not really separated from their own lives, is the imitation of the person they are following, to the extent that they make mockery of their own lives consciously. Lack of proper education about use of social media is causing a toxic atmosphere, some followers have become too extreme with defending their own celebrity which leads to throwing tantrums with opposite followers creating hostile space.

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The borderline between facts and truth, and make up lies is what’s dividing social media, some celebrities will knowingly set up their fans against another celebrity just to trend and have their moment, as opposed to required decorum. The constant cyber bully when one gives opinions about contemporary issues facing the society, it is psychological effect it has one on the netizens to the extent that they normalise insults, bullies and extreme attacks on social media. The irony of the situation creates double personality for users, those who don’t represent what they said on the internet, they become confrontational on social media but very mild in life, caught in the labyrinth of choosing which they should align more.

Your image and what you portray will be one of the measures that will be used to judge you, it is part where social media contradicts reality, how do you prove that you didn’t meant what you said on the internet? That you were just having fun disrespecting and discrediting another’s efforts? Followers live in the shadows of their followed celebrities, they want to dress, behave and adopt the person’s mannerism, which may not necessarily fit into their current state in their lives, this is because they could no longer reach the bigger picture, they resolve to live in the moment. Some persons don’t have private life, since their favourite celebrities put out everything about them on the internet, they think likewise without that they are at different places in life with different route to success.


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