Parental differential treatment
Most parents find it difficult to admit that they have a favourite child, they usually put up a defence that they love their children equally, which can be disputed when certain circumstances is presented, well it is objective as certain scenarios can propel particular treatment. Child’s behavioural problem began to grow when they notice preferential treatments among their siblings, they began to feel that they are the problem child and feel less of themselves, to the extent that they become vulnerable mentally. It creates chaotic atmosphere among siblings when they nurture the feeling that one is specifically getting a treatment which is special as to compare to others. It is disruptive development in a negative way as it takes toll on others in terms of perspective.
Parents should avoid any suggestion leading to their kids to think one of their siblings gain their parents’ attention more than the rest. Some parents don’t even know they have implored parental differential treatment unconsciously, sometimes parents get carried way by the positive development of one their kids, academic success and admirable character, that they boost positively whenever they engage in conversations with other parents, it becomes a rub of salt in the wound of other siblings that have poor academic records. This is no way a shade by the parents to their kids that they are struggling to make an impact, but what makes the difference is the interpretation from the kids struggling to make an impact that’s why it is good to be cautious around the kids.
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The signal it sends to the kids and the interpretation it gives to their mental wellbeing create unstable atmosphere for growth, it affects their behavioural approach and deals a huge blow to their self-confidence. It is good to be detail oriented on the margin between parental differential treatment and child’s behavioural problem. Parental differential treatment can lead to isolation of the kid that perceived that he has been treated as second-best, which they resort to excessive use of their mobile phone, becoming fragile on the social network space, which lead to be massive exploitation. It is not a good sign when you’re looking to build togetherness and unity that will propel success and good partnership among the siblings.
Parental differential treatment destroys family ties, it encourages division in the family. It is a worrying sign because it can extend to the later stage of their lives, without their kids sustaining the grudges they know nothing about. Parental differential treatment is a lifelong threat to healthy relationships among siblings, parents should be sensitive enough to maintain parental equilibrium needed for upbringing. Children enjoy this emotional closure from their parents when they likened their success to their brilliance during the early stages of their lives. Not only does parental differential treatment affects siblings, it also affects parents especially during their older age in life, when they need help to do their daily activities, when they do away with that, it eases the tension.
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