Unbridled, she bawl…
Like a wounded panther,
And roars like a powerful lioness,
Protecting her territory.
I love the way she soars like the eagle,
And the way she wears her crown,
Unbridled, she will never fall.
She is unbreakable…
Looking the world straight in the face,
She is priceless and rare,
Her type is seen once in a million years,
Her courage is intimidating and her strength unmatched,
Fighting the seen and unseen battles,
Staying focused even when her world is turning apart,
Nothing can dim her light.
Related stories:
Unbridled, she roars like the queen of Jungle,
A vulnerable but strong woman,
Who refused to give up on her dreams,
Even when the future carries with it a bundle of uncertainty.
An audacious woman who had refused to quit,
It is a go hard for her because a go home was never in contemplation,
She said, “If I perish, I perish”.
Unbridled, she takes the risk…
And she must conquer,
Because the world need a relief like her,
She must fight and she must win,
Because her people is waiting for her to return with the key of liberty,
She must not break because she is all that she has got,
She must not limit her potential because she is UNBRIDLED.