You need to escape that circle and start making progressive decisions for yourself, that’s how you take control of yourself. You can’t make any progress, while you’re still attached to the trauma that has caused you so much in life, it is high time you left that toxic past, memories and situations, and start looking on how to change the whole atmosphere for your own convenience. You can only control what is in front of you, the past has taken it course, you cannot turn the hand of the clock, but you can have your stake in the future, if you take the central stage of your life and ready to go through that process. You can’t fold your hands and expect something to happen, you have to take control.

You don’t have to focus on the past mistakes, you have to live with no regrets, that’s how you make peace with yourself going forward, create atmosphere for growth, where you outlive your past mistakes and regrets. When you focus on your past life, you cannot make any headway, it beclouds your vision, you cannot see beyond, it leaves you  with limited or no control of your life. You need to relieve yourself of that guilt, because it can only lead to self destruction, it becomes self mastermind downfall, which is a hard blow to take, then you have betrayed yourself and everything you stand for. Focusing on the past gives you limited vision, and hunt every progress you’re making to escape that circle.

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When you’re in control of your life, you can feel the atmosphere, even when it is rough, it gives you the control to make a clear victory plan on how to turn around the moment. It is difficult for you to live in absentia, when you become passive about important decisions in your life,  you leave your entire existence in the hands of people who will not take your life seriously as you would have, if you had taken control. You can only ‘right the wrong’ when you start making decisions, take central stage and ownership of your life, that’s how you take yourself to the pinnacle of your existence, nobody will do it as you would have done for yourself, confront the obstacles in front of you with full force and take control.

People come and go, they form different memories at different intervals in your life, and also play different roles at different intervals but no one will play the lead role in your life, the lead role is left in your hands, it is in your hands to determine what you make of your existence. Forging ahead, you can only look at what life will throw on your way and careful plan on how to surmount another obstacle. Everyday is another opportunity to get better than you were, to evolve yourself and stay ahead of every activities in your life. The life in front of you can give you the answers you need going forward, you won’t get the answers  while still living in past, take control and take the central stage.


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