The safety of players amid outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has put safety and all the preparations into haphazard situation. Since the time of lockdown, the globe has been in an unending battle with the pandemic, medical success in search of solution resulted in vaccine and people have been urged to get vaccinated to protect themselves and their families from contracting the virus. Matches have been postponed in Premier League amid outbreak in the club or high number of staff and players returning high rate of positive results. Davy Propper, former Brighton players expressed great concern amid all the situations.

It has been a threatening time for the world, but it feels like in sports, sportsmen are overstretched to play amid the pandemic, and some players have started to prioritize and speak up for their safety. Davy Propper had this to say “I’m grateful the club [PSV] has made me feel welcome. I had hoped to rediscover the joy in playing football but it was not to be as I don’t feel comfortable in the world of football. I don’t want to be part of it any longer”. This is a big call and hard decision to come up with.

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Davy Propper who left the Seagulls to join Netherlands side, PSV Eindhoven decided to end his playing career having captured lack of communications and spending quality time with relatives and friends. He had hoped that he has made the right choice, and expressed having lost love for the game. The issue of players interest has started to grow wide, as Liverpool’s skipper, Jordan Henderson voiced out that players’ safety is not taken seriously, as money is put in front before the safety of players, Pep Guardiola has teased the possibility of players’ strike, as the concern about current situation keep on deteriorating, and the solutions are very far away.


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