Africa has been chasing shadows, impoverish and with no clear direction on where the continent is heading, surrounded with huge uncertainties. The Western type of government which has gained wide popularity, not only in Africa but globally, has been unpracticable in Africa, with all its humane principles, but seem like it is anchored on mere writing without solidifying what is in the paper, which leads to heavy debacle Africa is experiencing across the system, over the years the development has been very static, unable to make any kind of improvement.

If you talk about Africa in natural sense, you see continent that is largely endowed with resources that will move many countries in the continent out of poverty, and advance standard of living. But these resources have been used for self-aggrandizement, pushing these resources out of the continent and use it develop Western countries by buying luxurious assets, there by leaving the populace to wallow in a low standard of life provided by the government. The system introduced by Westerners was an instrument to still retake Africa’s wealth, after they have been chased away on the disguise of independence.

The only way to achieve this Western dominance, and be able to trap Africa in the hook for it to be actualize, the system is strategic and open for wide exploitation, making the people at the helm of affairs the law not necessary the Constitution which is the sole authority that gives validity or nullify any government actions. Traditional African people that put ethnicity and religious in front, was used to prioritize this dangerous system in disguise and the frenemy dine as they enjoy the dominance while Africa continues to go down as a continent, and they are widely cut open, the exploitation is very visible.

An institution that outlived its relevance?

African is trapped in this system, this is because it does not come under practices and usages of the people, but enforced drastically to benefit particular people who are draining the system, while African communities are moving backward, and people are living below normal standard of life. There is high discrimination in the system, and created a lot of separations, it was not meant to be perfected in Africa, rather a trap to broaden the influence of the Westerners as they pounce on Africa’s naivety, as the leaders are handtied to succumb to protect their illegally acquired assets with the wealth of the country, in abroad and the poor masses suffer the aftermath.

You look at what is happening in Ethiopia, and what people behind this degradation of humanity are envisaging, and the gain of the benefactors, talking about war and allowing war is very grievous, especially in this modern time and age, when people are stretched and with almost no option, and the system continue to deteriorate, inhuman practices are bound to happen. Your gullibility will blind you to the extend of fighting and destroying yourself, and when you realize your mistake, it has been utterly massacred the projects, and repair will be impossible, it is a serious degradation of mankind, what is happening in Ethiopia.

 Historically, traditional Africa community used to be a close-knit community, but now everybody is cold strangers, the system is not benefitting the poor masses, kids from outskirt of the country can no longer dream, they don’t believe in the system again, their leaders are used as instrument of oppression and set them on people to kill dreamers and leave them with nothing. For wide community to be able to see the bigger picture and have a chance for reset, and breathe in life to many structures that have been weakened and destroyed, in the course of reign of dominance. Countries richly endowed with natural resources depend on countries with none, that’s the satirical explanation of how Africa is trapped to give dominance to Western counterparts.