You have been through so much pain and struggle in your life that you’re at the verge of quitting, you don’t have to quit turn that pain to motivation and allow it to push you to greatness. You can’t stop in the middle of process, you have come a long way, quitting is no longer an option, you have already soaked in the battle, you have given it every drop of your energy, activate your power buttons and go get your goals and win the battle.

The road has been rough and the journey has been crinkum-crankum. It is not going to be easy; this is a battle between you and the demon in your head that is telling you no, that you can’t make it. At this point your affirmation is what matters the most now, what you make of the battle, your approach towards your fight and the strategy you are going to implore in fighting your battle. It is not meant to be easy, you will encounter a lot of setbacks, what is going to be keep you in the track, is fighter’s mentality, no matter how times you fall, it can’t break you.

Why you need to change your mentality

You need to build resistance, it is a step forward to your greatness, no matter how many times life hit you, you will always form resistance, that is lion’s mentality. Many elements are going to be there to derail you from the track, but just know that they shouldn’t matter, your focus will always keep you in the track, and create a strong link and bond between where you are now and your greatness. Don’t compromise the things that matter the most, in any moment and time, be able to sacrifice who you are for who you will become, and get reward for the pain you have been through all your life.