After years of freedom Africa has failed to deliver to the expectations of average citizens, as corruption, unemployment and malpractice rock the system and bring it down to the lowest level of expectation. Populace has gone through all kind of lowest moments in a bid to give their being meaning, but the system keeps on thwarting the dreams, and the future become very terrible as no hope is foreseen.

Corruption has huge presence in the African political system, and no efforts are made to crack it down, rather it preserves and pass down to the younger generation. The high status of corruption in the system posed a great concern, as it is integrating to be what people will come to accept. The absence of accountability and transparency, keep deteriorating the whole issue, and no remedy to cure the plagues of corruption.

When everything is on sale, and the citizens don’t get equal treatment, the system is bound to collapse. All the programs canvassed against corruption in Africa, by various countries lacked transparency and more of political witch hunt aimed at opposition, absence of real intent of leadership continue to keep the continent in the dark, and the expectations keep falling below average.

Why there should be united Africa

Unemployment is the root cause of terrorism, banditry, killings and other related crises. When the youth which hold the future of their countries are isolated from the major policies of their countries, they will resort to any rebellious way available to show their grievances, often time they went to the extreme and they became a threat to the society. Africa

Projects are left unsupervised and abandoned, money meant for public are converted into personal usage. The hunger to create visionary society is not there, the foundation is laid on exploitation of citizens, keeping allies in the power and preserving political positions as hereditary power and no chance is given to competent people to change the fortune into a visionary society.