You can confidently argued today, that we no longer have leaders, the modern government have metamorphose to worst anonymous system, the inalienable rights and liberties of citizens are being obstructed without any sign of remorse, the government rule by their own consent not for the betterment of their subjects, people hardly exercise their franchise without thinking about the dangers of election.

Election basically patronizes democracy which is said to be the best system, since it guarantee and represent people widely in the affairs of the state. You can hear or notice some nasty incidents about political leaders, who refuse to give in to the mantle of leadership and allow people who are capable to rule people effectively, rather occupied the system and led it to the state of moribund, swimming in the ocean of quagmire, the poor citizens gnash teeth as those in the helm of affair dine with patricians.

Electoral promises, are obviously lie in some cases, how can a leader stand in front of millions of citizens and utter lies, destroy the destiny of people, they valued their positions not actually the selfless work.

Dangers of election has made people behave nonchalant to the political activities in the country, what happened in polling station is a threat to humanity, you sold your votes, which would be a great treasure and weapon to represent your opinion, it is now sold at the expense of mischievous leaders, at a time they were left with no choice, massive ratio of hunger is overwhelming, child mortality and giant obstacles to humanity.

We should be conscious of our character, people would change their government, if their government should allow them, collectively a worthwhile system will be achieved, people who are willing should emerge to and reach the climax of highest achievement, don’t play with lives of people, it is against humanity.